
Thanksgiving 2013

thanksgiving 2thanksgiving 3thanksgiving 7thanksgiving 11thanksgiving 9thanksgiving 5thanksgiving 14Thanksgiving 1It's that time of year when life and work are so busy for me it's hard to find time to stop and acknowledge all I'm thankful for. I can't let this weekend pass without expressing my gratitude to my clients, staff, friends and especially my family who have been such an important part of my life all these years. Each of them enrich my life every day.   This long weekend we're taking a road trip to my in-law's chalet in Collingwood. It's a great time to reconnect with extended family. We hike, pick apples from a local orchard, eat amazing food, play board games and window shop the quaint stores in Blue Mountain Village.  I look forward to going every year. Here are a few snapshots from last year that capture how beautiful the area is. Apparently the weather is going to amazing this weekend too - another thing to be grateful for.  

Happy Thanksgiving!