
Saeco - Gran Baristo!

One of the advantages of being a working designer and blogger is I'm sometimes asked to try out and review amazing products. This is a smart way for companies to market their products, by engaging designers or tastemakers who are consistently recommending products they love to their clients. Recently I was given a Saeco Gran Baristo espresso machine by Philips to try out and keep for my personal use. I've had it for about a week and love it!

It didn't take me long to see the quality of this machine when I lifted it into my kitchen. It has substance!IMG_6930Here it is opened and all set to go... IMG_6935...until my husband felt the need to read all the instructions. IMG_6937Steve had the honours of trying out the first cup of coffee. He's a happy camper.IMG_6941I have to admit I'm a bit of a coffee snob and drink it black and strong, so I can appreciate the quality. I'm willing to spend more than I care to add up over the year on a dark, organic blend. Before trying the machine, I already knew it had a good reputation from some of my peers who use it. So, for the sake of all you coffee lovers, I was pretty elated to break out of my routine of black coffee and give the different coffee options a try and review. Being used to a pretty standard coffee maker all these years, the Saeco has been easy to use, trying all the different coffee options with just a push of a button. Honestly, the hardest decision now is what kind of coffee I want in the mornings!

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So far my favourite is cappuccino, but my staff and family love the Latte Macchiato. And if coffee isn't your thing, the other night when I couldn't sleep, I frothed hot milk and added organic honey and Mexican vanilla, which was delicious and comforting.

Here are a few action shots.

My thoughts on the Gran Baristo? It hits the mark on several criteria I look for in a product: the price reflects the quality, it functions easily to suit my busy lifestyle and it has to look stylish.

I will definitely be recommending this machine to my clients and friends. Lucky for me, it's the gift that keeps on giving!

*Philips is another fabulous company who entrusted my humble opinion about their Saeco Gran Baristo espresso machine to the world. Please contact me if you have any further questions and I can direct you to the right people!